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2021 Program

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Jan 31, 2021

Evan Stark, MSW, PhD

Professor Evan Stark is a sociologist, forensic social worker, a widely published author and an award-winning researcher with an international reputation for his innovative work on the legal, policy and health dimensions of interpersonal violence, including its effects on children.

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Feb 1, 2021

Laura Richards, BSc, MSc. MBPsS

Laura Richards is an award-winning and world-renowned criminal behavioural analyst, investigator and advocate. Laura worked for a decade at New Scotland Yard as Head of the Homicide Prevention Unit, Head of the Violent Crime Intelligence and Analysis Unit and Head of the Sexual Offences Section.

Schedule of Events​


Day One: January 31, 2021 

10:00 am Welcome Introductions


10:15 am Keynote:

Dr. Evan Stark, MSW, PhD


11:15 am 15-minute break


11:30 am Panel Discussions (Tracks 1 & 2)

Panel discussion with industry leaders, advocates and survivors. Panels are run simultaneously. Choose one panel discussion to attend. All panels and workshops are recorded and can be viewed at a later date. 


Track One: Gender-Based Violence & Coercive Control:

Gender impacts forms of coercive control and expressions of abuse by perpetrators.



  • Dr. Evan Stark, Coercive Control Expert, Forensic Social Worker ​

  • Barry Goldstein, DV Expert; Author; Director of Research, Stop Abuse Campaign

  • Mildred Muhammad DV Advocate; Coercive Control Survivor

  • Kelsey McKay Strangulation Expert, President of Respond and McKay Consulting


Track Two: Coercive Control - The Roots of Social Injustice: Understanding colonization, legislation and oppression in the Americas. Solutions to learning from our past and improving our future.



  • Dawn Wilcox, Founder of Women Count USA Femicide Project

  • Teri Yuan, Founder of Engendered Collective  

  • Kathy Jones, DV Expert, Founder  

  • Mary Kay Keller, MPA, PhD, DV Expert, Speaker, Founder 



12:45 pm Lunch and Learn: 

Success! Your Bill Passed, Now What?  - Doreen Hunter


1:15 pm Workshop A

Workshops will run simultaneously and are recorded. Recorded can be viewed at a later date. 


Track One:

Criminalizing Coercive Control Within the Limits of Due Process - Erin Sheley 


Track Two:

Criminalising Coercive Control in Australia - Jess Hill 


Track Three:

How Coercive Control Plays a Role in Religious Communities: A Comparison Between the US and the UK - Esther Macner & Gary Lesin-Davis


Track Four:

The Power Of Your Voice - Hajah Kandeh 


2:30 pm 15-minute break 


2:45 pm  Workshop B

Track One:

Coercive Control Conditioning and Children in Dysfunctional Families - Manya Wakefield 


Track Two:

The Intersection of Coercive Control and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) - Barry Goldstein and Melanie Blow 


Track Three:

Coercive Control: Understanding Law Enforcement Responses & Lethality Assessment Program. Is it Enough? - Christine Cocchiola, MSW, LCSW


4:00 pm  15 minute break


4:15 pm Workshop C

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Lobbying and How to Create an Effective Bill - Ellen Williams, Attorney at Law 


6:00 pm Movie Screening:

Finding Jenn's Voice

Free for ACECC attendees

$7.00 for non ACECC attendees

Day Two: February 1, 2021

10:00 am Welcome Introductions


10:15 am Keynote

Laura Richards, BSc, MSc. MBPsS


11:15 am 15-minute break


11:30 am Panel Discussions (Tracks 3 & 4)

Panel discussion with industry leaders, advocates and survivors. Panels are run simultaneously. Choose one panel discussion to attend. All panels and workshops are recorded and can be viewed at a later date.


Track Three: Institutionalized Coercive Control in religion, business, and courts.



  • Laura Richard, 

  • Barry Goldstein 

  • Maralee McLean

  • Ruth Darlene, M.A., Founder and Executive Director of WomenSV


Track Four: Coercive Control in  Child Sexual Abuse and Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking. Recognizing and criminalizing coercive controls to end Child Sexual Abuse and Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking



  • Melanie Blow 

  • Kelsey MCKay

  • Kathy Jones

  • Traci Schott


12:45 pm lunch and learn

Success! Your Bill Passed, Now What?  - Doreen Hunter


1:15 pm Workshop A

Track One: 

Model of Systemic Relational Violence - David McLeod


Track Two:

​The Juxtaposition of Children's Human Right and the Constitution's Right to Privacy Act - Mary Kay Keller, MPA, PhD


Track Three:

Coercive Control and Gender-based Violence in Asylum and Refugee Law. -David B Gardner


Track Four: 

Women and Children are not Protected in our Family Courts - Maralee McLean


2:30 pm 15-minute break 


2:45 pm  Workshop B

Track One:

The Dynamics of the Narcissistic Personality in the Context of Coercive Control Michael Kinsey, Ph.D.


Track Three:

Coercive Control in the Affluent Community: what covert abuse looks like in the hands of a powerful, sophisticated abuser - Ruth Darlene, M.A., Founder and Executive Director of WomenSV


4:00 pm 15-minute break


4:15 pm Workshop C

A Becoming An Effective Activist: Where Do You Start? - Suzanne Barton


5:30 pm Closing Remarks  


6.00 pm Networking â€‹

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Workshop​ Descriptions


Criminalizing Coercive Control Within the Limits of Due Process 


Prof. Erin Sheley 

This presentation demonstrates the vagueness problems a coercive control statute like the U.K.'s would raise under the U.S. Constitution but argues that states could use the structure of common law fraud to create a coercive control offense that meets due process standards. The focus of such a statute should, like fraud statutes, be on the intent of the perpetrator to deprive the victim of something--in this case agency. The constitutional problems raised by criminalizing coercive control. Possible solutions states could use to criminalize it, based on other existing offenses.



Model of Systemic Relational Violence


David McLeod

The Model of Systemic Relation Violence helps to redefine domestic violence as a system of control rather than a cycle of behavior. Originating from research on the connections of coercive control and physical and sexual violence, the model was developed in a partnership with the Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. This model helps to address critiques of current ideas by focusing on the phenomenon of relationship violence through the eyes of survivors. - Participants will be able to identify critiques of several different models explaining DV 

- Participants will understand how DV can be conceptualized as a system of control, rather than a cycle of behavior

- Participants will have the tools to explain how acute events of physical violence are only enforcement techniques in a larger system of control in toxic romantic relationships I've published extensively on the subject, conducted the research and development myself.



Becoming An Effective Activist: Where Do You Start?


Suzanne Cyr

After experiencing trauma, a person may feel the call of activism, but may ask themselves: Where do I begin? And, how can I be an effective activist? Whom do I feel safe with?? Suzanne Cyr has 20 years of community activism under her belt. Suzanne will share with you the: how, when, and where of activism. Suzanne focuses on holistic healing principles as the foundation of effective activism and will share with you how networking and discernment can move you from victim to victor.

* Self Reflection techniques

* Process of Discernment

* Resilience

* Networking




Coercive Control Conditioning and Children in Dysfunctional Families 


Manya Wakefield

Coercive Control Conditioning and Children in Dysfunctional Families illustrates how Coercive Control can shape family dynamics and define the common roles assigned to children by pathological narcissists in this context. The audience will learn how Coercive Control harms children and is used to isolate the targeted parent. They will also learn how Coercive Control can condition children to be either perpetrators or recipients abuse in adult relationships. 



The Dynamics of the Narcissistic Personality in the Context of Coercive Control


Michael Kinsey, Ph.D.

The Dynamics of the Narcissistic Personality in the Context of Coercive Control. Institutions often fail to understand the predicament of abuse survivors because there is little awareness about the unique personality organization of the perpetrator. Often the assumption that the victim-survivor is dealing with a perpetrator that can be reasoned or negotiated with, which is not the case with the narcissistic personality. The audience will develop an understanding of perpetrators of coercive control, how they functions, and the underlying motivation for the behavior. 



Criminalising Coercive Control in Australia


Jess Hill

Criminalizing Coercive Control in Australia As Covid-19 locked down much of Australia and closed state borders, the campaign to criminalize coercive control gathered enormous momentum in 2020. The issue has been divisive - even within the women's sector - but four Australian states are now actively considering criminalizing. What can we learn from the UK? How do we ensure that the law is implemented right? How do we protect marginalized victim/survivors from being persecuted or ignored? Criminalizing CC is not straightforward; in fact, it requires paradigmatic change throughout the criminal justice system. This presentation will discuss how this issue is being handled from the perspective of advocates for criminalization, and show what has worked in terms of advocacy and persuading politicians to take this on as an urgent issue.



How Coercive Control Plays a Role in Religious Communities: A Comparison Between the US and the UK 


Esther Macner and Gary Lesin-Davis

How Coercive Control Plays a Role in Religious Communities: A Comparison Between the US and the UK  Approach The power to withhold a religious divorce is a devastating tactic of coercive control in religious communities, yet it has not been recognized in US courts because of the separation of religion and state. Together with my co-presenter, Gary Lesin-Davis from the UK I will delineate how the secular legal definition of coercive control enables courts to redress the inequitable conduct of the abuser, without imposing an affirmative order to give a religious divorce. The attendees will learn how the new California law on coercive control (Cal. Fam. Code 6320 (a)) can be used to deter ‘get’ abuse’(withholding a Jewish divorce) and contrast it with the criminal statute in the UK. We will recount the success and limitations of each approach through actual cases.



The Power Of Your Voice


Hajah Kandeh

As a product of a culture where children are "seen and not heard," the stage was already set for the violations I consequently survived which included both physical and sexual abuse as well as female genital mutilation all before the age of twelve; and the work and grace it took to find my way to wholeness. The audience will learn that what happens to a child happens to the community and that together we are more powerful and can make the changes necessary to end the scourge of child abuse in all forms when we speak up.




Coercive Control and Gender-based Violence in Asylum and Refugee Law.


David B Gardner and Dr. Debra Rodman

An overview of gender-based asylum cases showing how coercive control is due to societal and cultural factors, Use of expert evidence to define gender-based social groups. Case studies in femicide and gender-based violence in Central America and Mexico Co-presenter with Dr. Debra Rodman The importance of social and cultural anthropology and psychological evidence to support immigration claims involving domestic violence. legal briefs involving gender-based violence claims; see resume and publications of Dr. Rodman. 



Women and Children are not Protected in our Family Courts


Maralee McLean

Women and Children are not Protected in our Family Courts The general public is not aware of the devastation happening to women and their children in our Family Courts. Consistentlhy, studies show family courts not responding correctly to DV, coercive control, child abuse and sexual abuse. Most of these cases are Domestic Violence cases that also include the children being abused and sexually. abused. In this session, we will cover the misuse of Parental Alienation and the lack of training of the judges, lawyers, social workers, G.A.L.s and more. We will also examine the old myths used against women trying to protect their children as well as understanding Parental Alienation misuse. author of "Prosecuted but Not Silenced" Courtroom Reform for Sexually Abused Children.


Coercive Control in the Affluent Community: what covert abuse looks like in the hands of a powerful, sophisticated abuser


Ruth Darlene, M.A., Founder and Executive Director of WomenSV

In California, SB 1141 went into effect in January of this year. It incorporates coercive control into the definition of domestic violence and can be grounds for a restraining order. 


This seminar will examine what coercive control looks like when perpetrated by highly regarded professionals with a positive public image (ex: doctors, therapists, attorneys, physicians). We will discuss the profile of a powerful, sophisticated abuser (including among other characteristics, the dark tetrad of narcissism, psychopathy, sadism and machiavellianism), the strategies they employ (war, business, chess, magic, poker), the core values that motivate them (power, privilege, social status, money, sex, revenge) and the types of covert abuse they use to intimidate, subjugate, humiliate and entrap their intimate partner (ex: emotional manipulation and high level gaslighting, financial, legal and technological abuse). We will conclude with suggested strategies to counter the tactics of the powerful, covert abuser (ex: developing vocabulary to identify tactics, recruiting allies, sophisticated safety planning to address tech, legal and financial abuse, planting seeds of truth, documentation, self-care), and we will revisit the war, business, chess paradigms this time with the purpose of empowering the survivor.



The Juxtaposition of Children's Human Right and the Constitution's Right to Privacy Act


Mary Kay Keller, MPA, PhD

The Juxtaposition of Children's Human Right and the Constitution's Right to Privacy Act The United States is the only country on planet earth to refuse to sign the United Nations Bill of Human Rights. What Children's Human Rights are and how the US Constitution has not updated to protect its most vulnerable citizens since its origination. We can count the ways in which we have failed our children, our most vulnerable human beings are nothing more than human property.

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